The first movie in the series, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ($5) introduces us to Middle Earth and the world of the hobbits who reside in the Shire. Directed by Peter Jackson, starring Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen and Orlando Bloom and based on the classic books by J.R.R. Tolkein, this is a work of cinematic genius that became the biggest grossing movie of its time when released. The story of the brave hobbit Frodo Baggins on his journey to Mount Doom with the goal of destroying the evil Sauron captured the imagination of the world and is still one of the most popular movies on Netflix.
The holocaust of WWII has been the backdrop of many a great movie, but there has never been one that looked at it quite like Schindler’s List ($17). In war torn Poland, Oskar Schindler becomes increasingly concerned for his Jewish workforce after seeing for himself how they are being persecuted by the Nazis. He uses […]