Once upon a time a caveman picked up a rock and proceeded to chuck it at someone or something. A History of Weapons ($14) began at that moment. John O’Bryan is a respected comedy writer and self described weapons nerd who relays to us through A History Of Weapons the often freaky highlights of the obsession man has had with weaponry for centuries. In this laugh out loud book he explains the weapons, the history of them, their main uses and also their bad ass potential. Those who used these weapons are also here from Genghis Khan to Attila the Hun to those peaceful souls the Shaolin monks.
This pop, rock, dance, hip-hop, metal, folk, indie and electronic music spectacular contains over 700 outstanding posters from the GigPosters.com archive. This site is the premier Internet destination for all things to do with concert poster art. With the ever-increasing popularity of digital music streaming the fast that traditional album art is all but extinct […]