If you’re not familiar, Boosted is the maker of an electric powered long board for urban travel. Well, they say it’s for urban travel. I could definitely see myself tooling around the burbs with one of these. The Boosted Board ($1299) sold out of its first run back in October and now they’re taking pre-orders for the next go around. The next shipment is expected to go out in September. The board itself is a loaded Vanguard Bamboo/Fiberglass Deck. It uses Bear Grizzly 852 Longboard trucks and Organatang InHeat wheels. Top speed for the motor is around 20mph with a range of about 6 miles. Expect a charge time of about 2 hours. Along with your Longboard, you’ll also receive a wireless remote control and battery charger. Check our their latest [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=IWV8irg64oM width=640 height=480 anchor=video] to see the board in action.