“Chambong Industries is a new Seattle, Washington-based start-up, leading the way in new sparkling wine consumption innovations.” Their mission statement means they’ve created the perfect bong made specifically for champagne. They sent me a product sample and to be honest, I don’t drink champagne, but I do have plenty of beer on hand. Close enough right. On their website they say the Chambong ($25) holds about 4 ounces of liquid. I was able to get a full can of beer down in two shots. So how does it feel you ask. My frame of reference comes from doing beer bongs out of a funnel with a 6-foot tube in college. I was the knucklehead with beer spraying out fo the side of his mouth. The Chambong is much more refined. Once you pour your beer in and put it in your mouth, you notice slight pressure, but enough to get your pour down in one fell swoop. It was an incredibly enjoyable experience. I could see the Chambong creating a fun party experience. Next time I have guests over, everyone is doing a Chambong. I might even buy some champagne.