Elysium ($TBA), scheduled to be released in August, stars Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. The movie takes place in the year 2154. The very wealthy live on Elysium – a space habitat in earth orbit and the poor live on the ravaged earth. Matt Damon takes on a mission to go to Elysium in order to save his own life and possibly millions of others. Looks as though the mission also requires some sort of exoskeleton thats fused to his bones. Elysium was written and directed by Neill Blomkamp, who was also the co-writer and director of District 9. Check out the video to see it in action.
Many men rate this as their all time favorite movie, and their wives empathize with the relationship that forms between the mighty Kong and the beautiful girl he falls in love. There have been many King Kong films but this King Kong 1976 $12) version ticks all the boxes. A group of explorers, while on […]