The Freefly MōVI M5 ($5000) allows you to bring the look of big budget films to your videos. This handheld advanced stabilization system gives you incredibly smooth videos in some of the worst conditions. It features a digitally stabilized 3-axis gimbal, a high performance IMU and brushless direct drive system, Majestic Mode Pan and Tilt which allows the operator to control pointing of the gimbal by moving the handles, and live wireless tuning and graphing. You can put a deposit on the Freefly MōVI M5 now with shipping expected to start by the end of January.
The Glyph Personal Mobile Theater ($499) looks like a big set of headphones, but they’re much much more. The Glyph is a mobile theater system. Using a simple HDMI input it can display anything in your library. The Glyph uses something they call a Virtual Retinal Display which utilizes one million micromirrors in each eye […]