This is the definitive resource for all modern meat lovers. In The Charcuterie: The Fatted Calf’s Guide To Making Sausage, Salumi, Pates, Roasts, Confits, And Other Meaty Goods ($22) provides you with 125 recipes as well as step-by-step, fully illustrated instructions on how to make smoked, brined, skewered, cured, rolled, braised, stuffed and tied meats in your own kitchen. There is also a guide to sourcing, butchering and then cooking the finest cuts of meat known to mankind. Meat preservation is one of the oldest of the traditional food arts. Despite its history the craft charcuterie trend has really captured our imaginations, and scores of new charcuteries have opened in recent years. None is so highly regarded and well loved as the Fatted Calc in the San Francisco Bay Area, and we have it’s founders to thank for this great book.