Joel Parez is an American photography based out of Dallas. Watching his father take photos with his 35mm started his passion, listening to his mother tell stories of her modeling days in Puerto Rico taught him to apply a narrative to his work, and his five years as a marine showed him how important every detail is. So when it came to lighting and retouching him became a perfectionist.
His latest series, Judging America ($TBA), takes a look at how we judge individuals based on their ethnicity, profession, or sexual orientation. And whether those judgments are based in reality. Without further explanation the portraits tell an important story; that success comes in all shades.
Each day we’ll present you with the latest trending topics from around the internet. 1. STAR WARS IS GOING ON IN THE UK RIGHT NOW source 2. HEART SHAPED WAVE source 3. WALTER WHITE FOR PRESIDENT source 4. AERIAL VIEW OF VOLCANIC ISLAND OF AOGASHIMA, JAPAN source 5. THOUSAND ISLANDS LAKE, CHINA source 6. OLD […]