Something tells me Apple’s product line is going to get a whole lot smaller. The LG UltraFine Display ($700+)) is specifically designed for the new Macbook Pro. The price point isn’t cheap but is contains features which make it much more than a high-quality display. One of the best features is that the new displays will charge the new Macbook pros utilizing the same cable that transmits the video and audio. This means no other cables are needed other than the main video cable that plugs into the USB-C ports.
Because the USB-C cable can transmit data, you can use any of the four USB-C ports on the display to connect accessories like external hard drives.
Other bennies include a built-in webcam, microphones, and a 27-inch model with 5K resolution which is 7x’s better than 1080p. The 21.5-inch model which is available now has a 4K display with three USB-C ports.
While you’re waiting for the Google Glass to come out you may want to check out PivotHead’s 1080HD Video Glasses ($300). Theses shades record 1080p at 30 frames per second or 720p at 60 frames per second. You also get 8GB of internal memory, and camera modes which include activie sports, spectator, and social “Hands […]