Electronic waste is one of the largest growing issues world-wide and cellphones are one of the biggest contributors to this problem. Phonebloks ($TBA) is a project by Dave Hakkens that looks to alleviate this issue. The idea behind Phonebloks is a phone made from detachable blocks. Whenever a block becomes damaged or outdated it can be replaced while keeping the rest of the phone, making for an extremely environmentally friendly customizable phone that you never have to throw away. For example, if you love photography then you can opt for a bigger camera, if you like physical buttons then you can replace the full touch screen for a smaller screen with buttons. The configurations are endless.
Right now this is just an idea and to get traction Dave is initiating a crowdspeak. By joining Thunderclap you will be donating your social reach to the October 29th blast geared towards getting the right companies and people involved in this project. A project like Phonebloks is way over due and outside of its positive environmental impact, it will create a vast number of vertical industries and jobs. Join Thundercap today. Check out the [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=oDAw7vW7H0c width=640 height=480 anchor=video] for more information and more pictures after the break.