Stop the madness! There is no longer any reason to guess the temperature of your steaks. You know this summer at some point you’ll have a group of guys over, and orders will come in for medium, rare, medium well, and well and whether you get them right or not will be a shot in the dark. The SteakChamp Thermometer ($50) is looking to wipe out this uncertainty. Just place it in the included cradle to activate, insert sideways into your steak, and cook like normal. A slow flash tells you you’re close to being done, a fast double flash tells you to remove the steak and the flashing stops all together when the stea has rested enough. SteakChamps are available in rare, medium rare, medium, and medium well temperatures.
The Alpackalypse Raft ($1900) was designed to take on some of the most treacherous white water in the world while being portable enough to be carried in your backpack. By using smaller internal tubes when compared to other packrafts, the Alpackalypse has more room for the paddler and a more defined side edge, making it […]