Okay, listen up, if you have the chance to be bigger, faster, thinner or stronger, which section will you read first? There are question thrown up, and answered, that you won’t find anywhere else. For example, can you really reach your genetic potential within 6 months?, can you sleep for only 2 hours and perform better than after 8? and can you lose more body fat than a marathon runner by bingeing? The 4-Hour Body ($17) not your common garden variety diet and fitness book, this is the result of a decade long quest that verged on obsessive, to hack into the body to see what really makes it tick. A quite extraordinary book that will make you evaluate your own way of life.
This fascinating book, Difficult Men ($20) gives us a revealing and riveting look at those shows that helped cable TV to emerge as one of the 21st century’s signature art forms. During the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the TV landscape underwent a transformation that was totally unprecedented. While the major networks continued chasing the […]