If your house caught fire and you could only grab one or two thing what would they be? Foster Huntingdon has been collecting the answer to this very telling questions from thousands of respondents across the globe is a bid to get to the heart of what holds the most value today. The Burning House ($13) is the result of this painstaking research and it features the best of Huntington’s hugely popular website TheBurningHouse.com, as well as a whole load of new material. This gives us a fascinating insight into what modern society hold most dear, and there are some very surprising results.
Advertising for the space AgeトZoom back in time to the 50s and 60s! Gleaned from literally thousands of images, Mid-Century Ads ($40) offers the very best of American’s print advertising from the age known as the ‘Big Idea’. At the very height of American consumerism every magazine was flooded with clever and innovative campaigns that were aimed […]