Imagine being able to breathe underwater without heavy equipment or having to surface every few minutes. Triton Gills ($299+) lets you do just that.
These artificial gills have technology that allows you to swim among the fish and experience the beauty of marine life. There’s nothing complicated to learn and no additional training needed. Just gently bite on the mouthpiece and breathe normally.
The Triton works by using holes that are smaller than water molecules. This keeps the water out and lets the oxygen in.
Inside there’s a micro compressor that extracts and stores the oxygen in a storage tank allowing you to breath naturally. The micro compressor works on a lithium ion battery which can last for up to 45 minutes.
Right now Triton is running an Indiegogo campaign, and the first of the units is expected to ship by December 2016.
One of the favorite past times during the summer for almost any kid or adult is shooting a bow and arrow. Best Made has taken that great American past time and made it a usable collectors item to be past on for generations. Best Made’s American Longbow ($690) is a string-follow Longbow that provides excellent […]