Mark Zuckerberg once said that he always wears the same outfit because “I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve the community.” A lot of great thinkers follow the same philosophy. From Steve Jobs to Barack Obama, they believe that limiting your wardrobe choices significantly reduces the amount of time you spend on frivolous distractions.
So if limiting my wardrobe is going to make me a better thinker, I choose the Wings + Horns X New Balance 10th Anniversary Pack ($145) as my uniform of choice.
The Anniversary pack features items made from a combination of weather-ready materials to make sure you’re ready for all conditions.
The pack includes an almost triple black pair of Wings + Horns X New Balance MT580 ($180), that feature uppers made from premium leather and suede, a Hooded Sweatshirt ($175) and sweatpants ($145) made from a hybrid of double-brushed fleece and Japanese urethane-coated terry, and a 3-layer bonded jersey Fishtail Parka ($560), inspired by the Canadian winter.
Set your calendar because all of the items will be available at their store location (133 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver BC) and online starting December 13th at 11 am PST.