Sandro Miller is one of the top photographers in the world. His latest work takes us into the many faces of John Malkovich. What they’ve been able to accomplish together is simply magical. In the series, Sandro pays homage to the greatest photographers of all time, by having John model their most iconic portraits. You can tell through Johns presence in each of the photos, how he became one of the most acclaimed actors of our time. And you can tell from the technical and artistic intricacies executed in each photograph by Sandro why he is the best in his field. Everything from the lighting, mood and composition retell the each of the brilliant images flawlessly.
Based on reports from Las Vegas police, they recovered two bump-stocks in the hotel room of the gunman who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. It’s important to understand what these devices are so that we can make informed choices about future legislation. So what exactly is a Bump Stock? Well, […]